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Hello, leather experts! My name is Fran, and I am a Yankee living in the UK!  I decided to join this forum after a hundred or so different Google searches led me here for one question or another.  I have a tiny little bookbinding business (tiny as in me, myself, and I are the only employees) and I am starting to get involved more in leather working as I would like to master being able to craft my own covers to order rather than having to order half-cows for every colour I decide I want to try, or a customer requests custom!

I am mostly interested in techniques for mastering acrylic application. I like the huge range of colours available for solid fashion colours as opposed to traditional finishes.  I have nothing against the classics, but my business market is F-L-O-O-D-E-D with every imaginable shade of traditional brown & black journal, so in an effort to separate myself from the herd I really want to master acrylics!

Can't wait to learn from the assembled masters here!


Fran M.


Edited by FranM

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