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Hi there!  My name is Mike and I'm new here.  Ok, that's a lie.  But I am new to Greece.  Met a woman here on the site, fell in love and eventually moved to Greece.  Good times. Good food.  Great coffee.  See ya round the site!

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Awe... It's like a little fairy tale...

I jest, but only out of love. I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying yourself over there.

  • Moderator

It is kind of a fairy tale.  Except the internet speeds.  Those are a nightmare.  How you been, buddy?


  • Members

It's been pretty good. Finished school, started work, got no free time anymore...

I'd have given you a call, but I didn't know if you still had your cell or what kind of painful billing it would result in. Glad to see you back on the forums, though.

  • Moderator

If you ever want to chat, we could always Skype or go on xbox.  Just say the word.  My TX is the same, but I never have it on here in greece.


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