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Singer 29-4 machine

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This was my fil's. He is gone now, and I have decided to try his old singer out. I got it oiled up and turning good. I can't get it to pick up the bottom thread. I found a manual online, and I think it is set up correctly. Any ideas?

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hate to ask .......is there thread in the bobbin ? and the bobbin threaded correctly.?

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The bobbin has thread, but it could be wound backward I guess. I'll check that shortly.

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I checked and I think it is wound correctly. I think it is threaded through correctly too.

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It will not pick up while trying to sew? I have never tried to pick up the thread while threading my machine, I just pulled the thread through the bottom hole. Also make sure the plate above the bobbin is facing the correct way, counter bore above the bobbin. Also oil the bobbin gears well. The needle may be too far away from the bobbin. This is adjusted by the screw above the needle screw. The needle should be as close to the bobbin hook as possible without hitting it. One other thing, use only 29x4 needles for leather and 29x4 needles for cloth.

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Well, the manual says it should. I will try feeding it through and see what happens. Speaking of needles, If I read it correctly, the eye of the needle should face the machine and not me. Does that make sense? The eye of my needle faces me. I bought a needle at walmart and it is the same. It as a singer #30030, style 2020, size 110/18. Would this cause it? I don't have a local supplier for the correct needle. I will have to order online.

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Well, the manual says it should. I will try feeding it through and see what happens. Speaking of needles, If I read it correctly, the eye of the needle should face the machine and not me. Does that make sense? The eye of my needle faces me. I bought a needle at walmart and it is the same. It as a singer #30030, style 2020, size 110/18. Would this cause it? I don't have a local supplier for the correct needle. I will have to order online.

The long groove, above the needle eye, MUST face to your left, that is, away from the main body of the machine head casting. If it faces in any other direction the machine will not pick up the stitch!


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If it's anything like my adler, when loading the bobbin, make sure the thread goes under the spring completely. I actually have to use a small tool to push the thread under it good. Once done, everything runs smooth.

This was KEY to having my machine pick up the bobbin thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The long groove, above the needle eye, MUST face to your left, that is, away from the main body of the machine head casting. If it faces in any other direction the machine will not pick up the stitch!


It must have had the wrong needle in th first place then. If I set the screw against the flat of the needle, the eye faces me with the long groove facing away from me.

I'll call the Sewing Center as superchute suggested and see if they can get what I need. Thanks everyone, i'll let you know how it goes.

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Well, the manual says it should. I will try feeding it through and see what happens. Speaking of needles, If I read it correctly, the eye of the needle should face the machine and not me. Does that make sense? The eye of my needle faces me. I bought a needle at walmart and it is the same. It as a singer #30030, style 2020, size 110/18. Would this cause it? I don't have a local supplier for the correct needle. I will have to order online.

You can't buy a needle for a 29-4 at Walmart. It is the wrong needle. Get the right needle and get it facing the right direction and the machine will pick up the thread. Have faith. These things work despite the most hostile environments and punishment.

29X4 needles are leatherpoints (cutting heads) and 29X3 are round points for fabric. They are readily available on the net. Don't use anything else and expect good or even any results. Machines are very fussy about the needles that they like.


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I wonder if this is the same issue I'm having with my Viking 6440?

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Send me your address and I'll send you a needle for it. :whatdoyouthink:

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Sent you a message. Much appreciated, thanks again.

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A big Thank You to fatbackslim. The needles came today. Put them in and found that is does work....sorta. The bobbin thread is bunching up under the cloth. I may just need to make some adjustments. I didn't spend alot of time with it.

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