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I am making a molded leather case. After casing & dying the leather seems dry.

What can I use to get the moisture back into the leather ?

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I'm no expert but I've done a lot of reading here.

Some people apply a light coat of neatsfoot oil. Then let it soak in for 24 hours.

Some people use the Aussie stuff.

Some people do nothing at all. Rehydrating the leather can soften it up. So, some folks don't do it for wet molded items.

Lots of different procedures in leather work are performed with numerous different methods. 

So, trial and error become a part of life starting out. I would suggest a light coat of neatsfoot oil. Then let it set up for a day or two before you continue any finishing/sealing work.

But, I'm no expert.

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Yeah, I like neatsfoot. There are other products I haven't tried, so I can't swear it's THE one to use. But it works well.

I mean lIGHT coat.  Like hold a bottle of neatsfoot in yer left hand, project in the right hand, and TALK about oiling it. Not much more than that.

When I was new I completely RUINED a piece with too much oil.  

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Thank you for your input, bikermutt & JLS leather !!! I've used neatsfoot in the past, & heard about Aussie, have to try it.

Here is what I did. First light coat of, Montana pitch-blend leather oil& conditioner.

After it dried, I applied, Skidmore's beeswax waterproofing.

Then I buffed it out. Came out great.  Just some info on how it turned out.

This site is the best !!!

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