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Singer 153 adjustment arm hitting hook

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The arm is like free flowing and does not seem to respond to adjustment.. it hits the hook when handwelling or sewing. I myself did not mar the arm looked like that on arrival.did however disassemble the hook manny times and possible was to stupid to realise overlooked something.

Should it be lose,? I oiled up the machine it was not free-floating when I got it.My concern is that it hits the hook after a few turns.since it can move freely up and down . Fulcrum only restricts side movement. And adjusting it seems that the arm moves in random and gets waked by hook.


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If the hook screw isn't tight it won't pull it down enough to clear the arm.If the machine binds up with it tight you must have some old thread or dirt under it that needs to be cleaned out.

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However since the needle bar and the needle is a fixed point once adjusted properly the hook now has the rigth high.Are you supposed to be able to move the adjustable arm around just by touching it? See movie above for illustration.

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Ok I switched out a needle guard with a durcop spare that came with machine jeesh probably will be ok now, thanks Cowboy Bob!


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I shoulda asked you what have you done to the machine?? But you can see the difference now.


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