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Coats 277 polyester, where to purchase

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Good morning

Its not coming up in search where to purchase this brand at this 277 or above 92 size really.  At this time I haven't set any accounts up with the manufacture either, but I don't see the need to for small sizes so really don't get why its tough in tracking.  Can some of you help with leads where to purchase or shed some light on any particulars, I appreciate any thought with the subject.  I'm ok with learning a bit with other manufactures or branding, yet still the big dog question is the curious part.  Most other things I work with are in the marine environment an so a bit of lean in the poly direction for that purpose.




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Well! I used the contact page on their internet site for some continent wide purchase abilities. This contact seems to be at this point the best choice for myself and any others interested here now or in future projects.

I haven't tried to call anyone for old school type documentation as this is 2016, but I'm sure its available. So if anyone here is branding "exact" spec ultra dee, I can be interested.

If I seen a US thread manufactured under a different name that's cool and in my interest to use also, as I know Coats is I'm sure made here somewhere in the States along with UK.

Good day to ya



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Thank you both, I did call Coats and will check out the Superior link some more.

Appreciate it, and it seems ultra dee is always custom in 277 and much easier to get dabond in that size, as a follow up question I ask, still though not easy. I intend to contact a couple sources they provided and probably will obtain more information along the way.


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