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I'm getting closer to having my shop set up (actual space) and have list upon list of tools, but I can't find anything on what supplies I should have on hand. I have the opportunity to submit an application for some funding by a Veterans' group and I'd like to include a list of hardware, leather, materials & stuff in addition to tools. To start I'll be repairing and rebuilding a collection of saddles, making tack, phone cases, etc.. I figured if anyone has already made a list, it'll be someone here in Leather worker.net . :-)

Thanks in advance!


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I can't offer any advice on that type of leather work, but if you're going to set up a workshop try to find a space for a desk and a chair. Somewhere to keep paperwork; like records, a day book or diary, and so on. It will also be somewhere to think and have a cup of tea; or to keep the bottle of Scotch.

What sort of woodworking do you do? I suspect most of it will be by hand. If you don't know of him already, search YouTube for Paul Sellers

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Thanks Zuludog. :-). I have almost all my furnishings as far as desk, chairs, workbench, cutting table, a mini fridge, teapot and other essentials. My workbench is actually made out of an old upright piano. It'll be pretty sweet when I finish it. I'm just trying to figure out what would be a good list of materials like sides of leather (saddle, tooling, chap, sheerling, etc) buckles, nails, screws, and other things to start that I may not think of while focused on tools. My shop is only 21' X 9', so I may have to commandeer another space for storage. :-)


  • 4 weeks later...
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I'm very curious about this veterans funding group. I'm a veteran myself. Do you have any details you can share with me?

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Bandaids and superglue. Buy a few boxes of bandaids and a pack of those mini-bottles of super glue. Put one bottle in each box and place them around the shop. Bandaids for small cuts and awl holes, super glue for the leakers.....Ask any commercial chef how to use the super glue to stop a leak.

You WILL cut/stab/maim yourself. You do not want to get blood on the leather, the further you gotta walk to the bandaids, the more blood you will drip around. Keep bandaids close.


  • 3 months later...
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If you are a veteran you can take a DD214 or VA card, etc, to Tandys and get wholesale pricing.  That might be helpful when getting started with veg tan etc.

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Hi Elsa, here's a quick overview of things I use most & always keep on hand, other than tools:

Double shoulder of veg tan, 3/4oz, 5/6oz, 8/9oz

Feibings Professional Oil Dye in your preferred colours

Wool Daubers for above

Make your own Vinagroon. (Wire wool & Vinager. Give a natural gun metal Dark grey / black. You'll need Bicarb to get rid of the smell though.)

Feibings Edge coat (for sealing edges)

Feibings Antiquing (Adds great detail to tooling and a great patina. Choose colour)

Carnauba Cream (Leather wax finishing)

Mix of Wax and paraffin (For water proofing leather. Makes the leather hard though and has to be applied hot. I don't use this much)

Feibings Acrylic Resolene (sealant)

Leather oil or nourisher for treating old dry leather

Saddle Soap

Needles & Thread. I prefer Ritza 25 braided & waxed for hand stitching, but for a more traditional look go for 3 strand bonded nylon, linen or maybe artificial sinew. Your choice.

Copper Rivets and burrs with setting tool.

Chicago screws (Both these and Rivets are for joining things together. Rivets are permenant, Chicagos are removable.)

Sam Brown studs. (A simple and more elegant option to snaps. But I use snaps too. Setting tool required)

Buckles (your selection)

Ds and Rings (your selection)

heaps of old Tshirts and jeans for rags.

plastic sheeting and rubber gloves for dyeing

Large cutting mats

Cant think of anything else right now, hope that is the kind of thing you're after.

im sure other members will chip in with other options.

good luck. Enjoy.


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An important thing has been missed out here.    A sound system of some kind.   I use my ipad (I listen to mainly drama), and it is set up within easy reach.    

It also gives me instant access to customers' emails, pictures, and the interweb.

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