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Desert Moon

What is this style buckle called

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I have a customer who wants me to find this style of buckle in 1", I am not sure what to call it looks like dress buckle but has a post like a trophy buckle. Anyone know what it is called and where I might find one.




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Plate buckle, or sometimes referred to as a box-out buckle.

Funny you should ask where to get them, I have a long list of bookmarked suppliers and not one of them seems to carry this type of buckle, while they seem to be on half the "dress" belts sold in menswear stores for decades.....Only ones i found are direct shipped from china, and with 1000+ unit minimum order. I guess that is where all those "dress" belts come from.....

I would like to know if any suppliers are found as well.


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Thanks for the information

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