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Bicycle Bottle Caddy

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In the recent issue of the Leather Crafter's Journal (September/October 2016) is a pattern by Jan Cole. I had some scrap laying around and thought I'll make one to see if it would work for me.

I identified a few things I'd make different if I would make some for sale. However, this is what it looks like after 2 hours in total including pattern making (printing and putting together).

small P1080420.JPGsmall P1080419.JPG

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Very quick work for such a good outcome Thor. I assume Libri is some type of energy drink. Looks like grog and that just does not make any sense. Wrong bike type.

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Thanks, but if you would see gmace this old Scottish saddler working you'd say I was terribly slow. But to be honest to learn building a saddle from such good instructor really helped me a lot with almost everything that's needed in the trade.

You're right http://librienergy.com/ it's an energy drink my nephew with his soon to be wife and a friend of them invented it during their university time. All natural and it actually works and tastes great.

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I reckon the saddler might be a excellent teacher but I think you might have filled up a fair bit on that energy drink first. The one in this picture here I'd say.:cheers: I think I need some of that but I can't read the language. Regards Brian


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I see - told him to translate the site into English as well.

Nah it was just really easy. It's just a few straps and bunch holes. It's really, really simple to make.

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