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Well, Frankly I didn't think I would ever be showing anything else on this forum a year or so ago. Hell, at that time I couldn't even sign my name! I could make some pretty squiggles with a writing implement, but my hand just wouldn't go where I told it to go. Ma Kat is able to sign my name better than I can anyway so that worked out.. Figured I was done with anything that needed a reasonable amount of manual dexterity to complete.       NOTE: Manual Dexterity was not a personal friend at that time, even though I have known him for some time.  Anyhow, a month or so ago a friend of my son's wanted a holster for a type of competition pistol work he was engaged in, and he and my son began working on me in an effort to get me to work out a design according to his specs. That worked out reasonably well but would win no trophy for artistic endeavor. Then they began to bug me about giving a try at making the damned thing. They kept it up until I finally agreed with the proviso that when completed it would be dumped, or at least I would keep it if the result was as I figured it would be with my digits not working to my satisfaction. Well it was finally done (after three attempts) and actually it doesn't look too bad for a strange design and stitching not up to what I like to think I could do. It's a competition holster for a Glock. It has a pot-load of drop, a tie-down belt, very little retention and some very thick fillers strips  (3/4 inch thick)  front and rear. It showed me I can still do some work even if it takes much more time and effort than it used to. The trigger guard seats on an interior 'shelf ' and the slight forward cant creates what retention there is by wedging the top of the slide against the front reinforced section of the rig. Kind of strange looking but it's quick - requires only about 1 1/2" upward movement to clear the leather.  Mike


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Hey, my friend, . . . glad to see you back up and participating, . . . cool looking rig.

I made one similar once, . . . never did regret it, . . . never did go out and try to create more customers for that though.

May God bless,


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That looks really interesting nice design and color and finishing. I would like to see the 

retention on the upper part and how it is warn on the body. You have really put a lot 

of thought and work in that. What type of competition is it used in? I have been making

Cowboy action holsters for myself and have spent a lot of time with new designs.

Did you use a air brush for the shading? Nice work!

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