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I made a PSP case for my son's girlfriend as a late Christmas present. It is made from 10oz veg and lined with calfskin (maybe 1-2oz) and dyed inside and out. I tripleloop laced it with 3/32" Tejas black from Tandy. It didnt come out perfect but I am happy with it.

I noticed I was off by one hole when lacing the sides in so it is slightly warped...LOL.

And shortly after I started lacing I realized...THIS THING IS THIN....How am I goign to get my hand into the bottom and lace it as I go around?

So I had to start and stop lacing in a few places to get the bottom laced up on both sides first and work my way up. It is also thinner than the lacing needles are long...so I had to stretch and pull in a few places as I laced. There is one place on the open pic that you can see the tie-in on two lacing areas just would not go together correctly. I will stitch the next one together, if I do one.

I laced in different directions to try to give it a different look. It worked for the most part.....

These "learning points" aside, I was happy with how it turned out (for a freebie). Molly loved it and is very proud to have it hanging from her belt.

Let me know what yall think please.








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looks great...even with the problems you had.

im still a rookie so the only idea i have would be stich parts and add a decorative lacing some how on the outside

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Overall, nice project.

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A nice job, looks great. Darryl

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Sweet case William!!!

I can imagine how proud she is!


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Looks Great!

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