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Hi - Newbie Here

I am inlaying braids between two layers of leather.  I need to hand stitch the layers together (don't have a machine) and so I've been using diamond chisel punches to mark the holes for stitching.  I've tried gluing the layers together before punching the holes but unfortunately this is breaking some of the braid so I think I need to punch the holes in both the leather layers together before putting all the layers together.  Any recommendations on how to keep the leather layers straight while punching so the leather and holes will line up when I begin stitching?  Also, when I'm punching the holes I notice the front is nice and straight but the back is not.  Is there a good way to make sure the stitching lines on the back stay straight?  I'm using 3 - 4 oz leather.  Any help would be great!

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I would rubber cement the 2 halves together and use a pricking iron through both at once.


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