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Hi everyone. I have been braiding for several years now and I decided to take the plunge into a little bit of rawhide work.  I want to make a bosal but I only know how to do roo and I couldn't find anyone to make a rawhide core. I bought some rawhide, managed to get it soft, I even managed to spilt a 1/2" piece with my hand held splitter.  Whe I started citing it down into 1/8" inches it did not go so well, but I got a couple of 1/8" strands I could bevel.  I went to bevel with 0 success.  No beveled pieces  oh well.  Any advice would be appreciated.  I knew rawhide wasn't easy but goodness....I had no idea, that is some tough stuff.  I am thinking my whimpy roo tools will not be adequate.  


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Hey Entiendo, Sorry your having trouble. With rawhide it's all about the temper, if the moisture is right it works easy. Most people try to work it too wet when they start. Set up some kind of humidor. I use a plastic tub with a screen a couple of inches off the bottom (a five gal. bucket works too), about an inch of water underneath & the rawhide above on the screen. Soak your rawhide for a few minutes & then put it in the humidor for 12-24 hrs. It should feel somewhat dry, but be flexible. Your tools will work fine if the moisture is right. Hope this helps a little.

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No problem. Keep us posted on how it goes.


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