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hi guys.  I'm getting confused. I been reading and looking at youtube for ideas on dyeing, how to etc. There is so much out there, and what to believe.  I have done a few projects using Tandys eco flow.  So far I haven't seen a problem. I have some old bottles of Feibings leather dye and they did give me a problem.  So, I was looking how to thin them, and some people use Isopropyl Alcohol,  some use Denatured Alcohol and one fellow used water to thin.

Then  I was reading about treating the leather with a oil before dyeing,  some said olive oil, some use neatsfoot oil.  Then, in one video a fellow said the these oils can turn rancid. ???? 

I tried dying leather dry and slightly wet with water, , and see no difference, but I haven't tried oiling leather yet.  I made a cell phone pouch { I'll send a pic later on } and have practiced on scrap leather. I'm working on doing a belt next.

Thanks for listening to my gripes.




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I've always used Fiebng's dyes -- the "spirit" dyes and the "oil" dyes.  Directions right on the bottle.  WHY go to pooptube?  Unless of course you WANT to hear people telling you:

  • I meant to do that.
  • Its supposed to look like that
  • Only with years of experience can you get this "effect" (BS... takes minutes, not years)
  • it's "rustic" (translation - blotchy and cheap)

If you want ONE source for information about coloring leather, get Stohlman's book "Pictorial Carving".  LOTS of good info in there about dyes - including mixing and thinning.


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Now you're getting it. Hahaha

Everyone has their own method. There aren't a lot of hard fast rules in leather.

You kind of feel your way around for awhile and develop your own method.

I use water with,my spirit dyes and don't have any problems.

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