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Jimmy McLaughlin

How to make rawhide maul

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I have a very old maul that I purchased on E-Bay, I think it might be a Osborn, photo is below, it is a 6 lb. maul, I need a new rawhide head on it. They are very expensive $185. I took it apart and decided to buy some rawhide and wrap some strips around the head. I purchased the rawhide from Tandy for $28. I never worked with it before. Can someone give me some advice in how to go about it?It is as hard as a rock and came in a 3' roll.We took the maul apart, there is a pin that goes through it. The only way that I can see to do this is wrap strips around it. How do I cut this? Do I have to soak the whole roll? I need some advice, I am lost on this one. HELP



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You need to soak the rawhide to make it pliable. It will cure as hard as a rock when completely dry...

Edited by VMTinajero

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Do a search here for rawhide mauls.  There are a couple threads about making your own. 

You need to take the maul apart, figure out where and how to remove the nuts from the bolt.  Then all you do is cut a stack of washers basically and put it back together.  These other threads will give you more info.


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Thank you Northmount, Bruce gave me the same advise. I think that will be the way to go. Thank all of you folks for the information.


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