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Singer 7-33

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Glad things are looking on the up and up on this thread.  On the rock arms in the back we want a 10 degree angle.

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Yeah. Cant thank you enough for all your help Gregg! 

Now I just gotta figure out how to get the shuttle race moving to adjust the needle to shuttle relation. For some reason I cant get it moving closer to the needle. Also somewhat worrried about the amount of sideways play in the shuttle hook. I can push it closer to the needle and make it shift a few millimeters but I'm not sure if this will actually be an issue while sewing. I dont have any play even close to this in my Adler 20. 


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With a paper shim, you could move the shuttle race to the needle. I have read this in an old adler manual.

Don't know how many play you have to the needle though when you push the hook sideways to the needle. Is it almost touching already? Looks like it.

I did this a few years back with an Adler. When I pushed the hook manually towards the hook, they would touch. But when sewing, I never had a problem. They didn't touch. But this was in my case though. I wouldn't recommend it to someone else, but it worked for me. 


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If you look underneath,just to the right of the race(what the shuttle rides in) you'll see a large slotted screw,towards the bottom,you can loosen this & move the race left to right.

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CowboyBob: I did loosen the screw in an attempt to slide the shuttle race closer to the needle (just like I did on my adler 20), but this one is properly stuck for some reason. Its not even budging.  

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9 hours ago, VanRhodes said:

CowboyBob: I did loosen the screw in an attempt to slide the shuttle race closer to the needle (just like I did on my adler 20), but this one is properly stuck for some reason. Its not even budging.  

Sounds like you have to fix it with a hammer to move it.  Preferably a leather mallet would do it.  Don't over tighten the screw, it can break the casting and create a true mess.

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It looks the same as my Adler 20 and 21. Should it move after loosening screw 3? I never managed to move them. They where realy realy stuck stuck stuck. Maybe I wasn't mad enough? Should give it a try next time.


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On my Adler 20 I can move it buy gently tapping it with a mallet, on the 7-33 however, it's a completely different story. I did try tapping it with a mallet but perhaps I wasnt using enough force. 

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