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The Agony and (waiting for) the Ecstacy

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I've been working on this project for over a week now and just finished it today. For something like this, a week is huge. I should have finished it in two days, three tops, if I were really into it.

But I wasn't. I knew almost from the get-go that this was going to be a prototype and that the ones that came after this, that I make to sell, would look different, would correct a lot of the mistakes I made working on this one, would probably be easier to make, etc. I still had to get this one done, just to do it, just to say I got it done. But it was kind of a killer to do because, ultimately, nobody's ever going to see it except for me. I'm not going to make any money off of it. I'm probably not even going to show it as an example because the ones I make to sell will be different.

By the end, I had like two and a half inches left to sew and I just had so little motivation, I was casting about for other things to do, people to talk to. In the end I powered through and finished it, which I'm really proud of myself for, for not quitting. And it was an educational experience - the ones I make to sell will fix a lot of the problems I identified while making this prototype, so I'm glad I did make a prototype. 

Just ... doing this felt like work. And I told myself I wasn't going to let leather feel like work. I quit writing when it felt like work. I've never wanted to be a professional chef because I didn't want to associate cooking with work. And I don't want leather to be work, either. I want it to be fun. And today wasn't.

Tomorrow's another day. I'll have fun tomorrow. Maybe I'll make something I can sell.


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If you are going to sale anything, it will always turn into work.

What gives with no pic???

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