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Landis 30 Blade Sharpening

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Hi folks,

I picked up a Landis 30 and the blade is in need of sharpening.  The PDF I see online says it needs to have a hollow ground edge put on it and I went to the only sharpener I know of in town and they can't do that with their setup for whatever reason.  Does anyone know of someone who does this online I might be able to use for this service?





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Your profile doesn't tell where you are, making it more difficult for suggestions to what might be near you.

I sharpen my 6" and 8" splitter blades with a Tormek sharpening system.  I use the planer blade jig with the splitter blade mounted on an aluminum plate to be able to fit it into the jig.  This works well for me.

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A flat grind will work just fine.  I have a jig to hold my Landis blade at the correct angle and then sharpen it on a surface grinder.  With a hollow grind it will be  little easier to do blade touch ups later on, but the splitter will not really be affected.

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Agree with Electrathon, a flat grind will be fine. I may still have one NOS Landis marked blade left and these were all flat ground. One thing to be careful of is WHO you have sharpen it. The guy who does mostly lawn mower blades may not be the best choice. The guy who does knives for the local chefs would be better. Some places start off with too heavy a grit and never get the grit marks ground out.A lighter grit is really all most blades need, follow through the finer grits and finish up with a couple compounds..Knife guys get it, Some of the sharpening shops don't. Explain to the people there what it is, what is does, and just how clean and sharp it needs to be. If you don't have a good feeling, don't leave it.

There are a few guys on the forum here that professionally sharpen. I don't advertise sharpening but end up doing a bunch in spite of that. I charge $20 for a 6" splitter blade unless it is really mucked plus the return shipping in a small flat rate box for $8. If you want to send it this way I have an " end of the forecasted heat spell blade sharpening fest day" penciled in for end of next week. Supposed to get down under 100 here by then and I've got some blades of my own and few others to do. 

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