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Tensioners and IIWB Clips

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Hey there,

Been a while since I tried my hand at the leather hobby but have been doing tons of research and testing and some of my buddies want tensioners and IWB clips or straps.  I like clips myself but its hard to find them at a reasonable price...anyone source them from a reputable business or person?

Any help or direction would be great!!!



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Are you looking for metal or kydex plastic type clips?  Tandy carries a few different types of clips as well as weaver and other leather suppliers, if it straps you can make those yourself, but depending on snaps those can come from a variety of different vendors depending of the style you want to use.  And last but not least tensioners I think most guys make them themselves with supplies you can get at Lowes or home depot, even hobby Lobby will carry items in the leather art department.  As for me I make my own leather straps using regular line 24 snaps as well as one way snaps.

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1 hour ago, OLDNSLOW said:

Are you looking for metal or kydex plastic type clips?  Tandy carries a few different types of clips as well as weaver and other leather suppliers, if it straps you can make those yourself, but depending on snaps those can come from a variety of different vendors depending of the style you want to use.  And last but not least tensioners I think most guys make them themselves with supplies you can get at Lowes or home depot, even hobby Lobby will carry items in the leather art department.  As for me I make my own leather straps using regular line 24 snaps as well as one way snaps.

I prefer metal as those tend to stay on my many different belts and also in my athletic shorts.  I have had many people tell me struggles they have had with the 24 snaps.  What tool seems to work the best?  I have never tried my hand with them so I would like to waste as few as possible...   

I will look into Tandy and see what they have.



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Well I bought a tool that is kind of high priced to install the one way line 24 pull the dot snaps, but it did come with several adapters for different type of snaps, it ran close to 180.00 with a mounting plate.  However there are other options to that tool, the adaptors can be bought alone. If you google pull the dot snap tools you'll find a few different vendors, however the costs all seem to be about the same.

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I just bought some snaps and have gone through about 5 before one actually turned out nice enough to function...

I have sourced some tensioners as well...not the same as what I have but they are close enough and look good.

Also, still havent found the clips at a cheap enough price to make them worth buying.   Know of any under $2 a pair??

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