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Puppy-Baby-Monkey Boy!

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Puppy-Baby-Monkey Boy! Puppy-Baby-Monkey Boy! 
Sorry, I get carried away sometimes. It's puppies in a basket. This is a result of a new embossing stamp pressed into a wallet back. The plate was done in Delrin plastic and cut on the HAAS vertical mill. I didn't show the plate because it is white on white and doesn't photograph well. but the results were what I was after. cheers!

FullSizeRender (6).jpg

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That's a nice "soft" impression on the design. It almost makes me want to touch it to check if the texture matches what my eyes are seeing. 

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I like it a lot.  If I ever go pro, I may have to hire you to make me some stamps.  You do great work!

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thank you all

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