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Web Designer and Social Media Marketer here - I'm all ears!

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Hey all! I make my living as a website developer and social media marketer. I don't want to step on any toes by advertising my website, but I wanted to make this thread in case anyone had questions about websites, social media, online marketing, etc. I know it's a pretty scary thing to delve into for a lot of people, but I've got some free time while my better half is deployed and I figured I'd offer some help if anyone had questions that Google just wasn't helping with. Or maybe you just need someone to explain something that is clear as mud. I can help!



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Hi there! I have a question about marketing?

I have a website and I am trying to get my seo set for all my products. I have an analytics app so I can track traffic to it. I was getting a ton at first but out of 200 visitors not one sale. (My prices are lower than a lot of holster makers but my work is comparable). I have a business  Facebook page but I barely get interactions on my posts just clicks from my friends and previous customers. I do post on a few sales pages on fb and I get an occasional customer.

My question is what else should I be doing to get exposure?





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Average purchase rate from visitors to a website..even the people who arrive via ads that you pay for in G or elsewhere is around 1 or 2% of "clickthroughs"..So..200 visitors..no sale..not surprising..


What you have to do is try to increase the proportion of really interested and ready to purchase visitors..on facebook that can be hard as most people on there are either killing time or social media zombies..and..unless you pay facebook to have your pages "seen", very few people ( apart from the two groups you mentioned  ) will ever see your pages..and even when you pay for exposure..90% of the "visitors" will be bots..


In SM ( social media ) You have to be active..not only on your own pages, but also on the pages of people or companies whose items might be "connected" to your pages subjects..if people visiting another page see you comment ( real comment, not a "me too" or a "hey that is great" ) on a  page, they may follow you back to your page to see what you do..

Applies to all varieties of social media..


I have an analytics app

Real websites come "out of the box" with at least 2 ( sometimes more )  types of analytics built in, plus raw logs ( which you can easily analyse )..you don't need any "app" to read your site logs..


"mark"eting is easy.. 

analyse what your "marks" will respond to, what motivates them, how that can connect to your "product", go where your "marks" are..connect with them..lead them to your tent..sell to them whatever it is that you are selling..it might be religion, might be baked beans, might be leather items, might be a car, might be a watch or a phone, might be insurance, might be an idea, might be a go on a carnival ride..


Edited by mikesc

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