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pay more for the white craftool flat head vs black poly maul. Which is best?

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I need to fix two things now that I can make a good looking saddle stitch by hand. I need an inexpensive yet quality mallet or maul.  https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-poly-maul/craftool-poly-maul VS https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-pro-flat-head-poly-maul/craftool-pro-flat-head-poly-maul I also need better stamps preferably genuine hardened steel that Do No Easily Bend before leaving a crisp imprint in pre moistened veg tan leather. This light weight http://www.sears.com/craftsman-6-oz-plastic-tip-hammer/p-00938298000P?sid=IDx01192011x202447059&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1tHPma7-1wIVUCWBCh2O1QaCEAQYAiABEgJXCPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CLm0-Zuu_tcCFZd-fgods_AJvg plastic craftsman mallet was used and the stamps bent.  No the hobby store craft tool stamp sets I have do not stick to a magnet. When a basket weave stamp broke off it looked very porous like broken ceramic. That 7 pc set cost an arm and leg even with a 40% coupon.

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Those mails are currently on sale?  The black one looks ok, but is half the weight of the others. Would be good for stamping, but heavier nice for punching and cutting. There are existing discussion threads on maul weight.  I'd guess either are decent. You can get high quality mauls from Barry King for a bit less than the TLF white mauls.   Buy your stamps from Barry too. I used Craftool stamps when I started because of price, and was shocked someone would pay $35 for a stamp! But once you use a quality stamp like BK's you will not go back.  Check out a current thread on stamping tools.  The example Bruce Johnson shows tells it all.  You invest a lot of labor goes into stamping so invest in a quality stamp to get professional results that stand out.  The same can be said for using quality leather like Herman Oak.  --John

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If the stamps looked like broken ceramic at the break , they were probably "sintered"..bear in mind , not all stamps or other tools will stick to a magnet..most "stainless steel" ones will not ( although some "stainless steels" will )..You can make a lot of stamps yourself, bevellers, shaders, and grounders, camos and so on from stainless steel bolts, stainless steel bar, or engine valves ( beware of the ones with sodium in the stem end ..you don't want them ) .. a dremel and some diamond grinding bits, bench grinder, some files ( "checkering file(s) are very useful ) and some polishing pads and polishing compound for the bench grinder..and some abrasive paper 120, 240, 320.

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