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Well, even though it is too small for the blade... It is my first project and I learned a ton from it!  I marked my stitching lines at the blades edge, thinking it would stretch.  This is 7/8 ounce and even after soaking it in warm water it didnt stretch enough to get the knife in.  Also I need to get me a belt slot punch since I plan on doing a lot of holster.  Let me know what yall think.


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That's a good start! A couple things I'd recommend: 1) You will want a welt all the way around the blade to keep the blade from cutting into the stitching. 2) Buy a 1" slot punch, you will find it versatile as you can cut 1" slots and up with the same tool.  3) How do you plan to keep the knife in the sheath? A sheath would have to be very tight to the blade to not fall out. A gun holster can be formed to the gun, a knife, not so much. Great start! I'm sure others will chime in as well.  

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Thanks for the constructive criticism.  I honestly just looked at sheaths of a similar design through google and pinterest and found many of this style.  I did not intend to wear it, so much as it was a small available knife to practice on.  As for welting, I did not want to make this sheath that thick.  I also did not think about it when I started making it.

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First off, your stitching is great for a 20th attempt, not to mention a first attempt. As far as welting goes, I kinda see that as a safety issue. If you bend over and aren't aware of what the knife is doing and you push it through the stitching, the blade can find a piece of meat to poke into. A welt give you a lot more difficult thing to push through along with providing stitch protection. A few extra mm in thickness beats a trip to the hospital in my estimation. Also, I have a few sheathes that I have excellent knife retention on with no other means of retaining the knife other than the forming of the leather; it can be done but as you've learned, you have to have your dimensions right.

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I appreciate the kind critiques.  I have watched untold stitching videos on YouTube.  I enjoyed making this and I'm working on a better pattern now.  I'll incorporate the welt and see if I can get it to fit nice and snug.

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