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Is there such a thing as Non-Toxic Dyes and glues? Because of health reasons I need to use Non- Toxic dyes and glues. Do they exist? If so, where can I find them?



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A huge Thanks for the quick replies. As I have a breathing problem; I think the Non-toxic Dyes and Glue will be the way to go.

Has anyone tried the products from Fiebings or Tandy?



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I've tried the water-based dyes from Tandy, and they work well for me. I haven't tried Feibings yet, but I do plan to. For adhesives, just about any type of white glue has very low toxicity. There is also a latex-based contact cement I use, called DAP Weldwood non-flammable contact cement, which has very low fumes. Not sure what would make a good substitute for rubber cement, but maybe someone else has some info on that.


  • Contributing Member

Paul, anything that is sold for "institutional use" will be non toxic and non flammable. its the stuff they allow to go to prisons and such.... they cant have the prisoners getting high or poisoning anyone with leather glue or dye can they... LOL


I think rubber cement is going to be the toughest thing to replace with water based product. Would hot melt glue work for what you want to do?

I've used the eco flo dyes and they work nicely. I got a sampler kit at the IFOLG show (also available from Tandy) & Tony Lanier taught a class on painting an oak leaf using them. Sort of like painting with watercolors on leather. I enjoy them. I've also used one of the stains (saddle tan) with good results. I would by others, but those are what I have so far.


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You all are such a great help.

If I'm thinking correctly, anything that is sold for "institutional use" will be non toxic and non flammable; thus it will be safe to use in a closed area and will not harm my breathing. Correct?

Does Tandy sell dyes and glue marked for Institutional Use?



  • Ambassador

Yes Tandy does sell the "Institutional" products. They are what I had to learn to use while incarcerated and learning leatherwork. They are a little finicky but with practice you will learn. We could also order the Pro Dyes as well if you snuck it into the order as just a part number and not list what it actually was. But if caught with it once you had gotten it in, you spent a period of time where you were'nt allowed to do leatherwork.


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TLF no longer carries the Fiebings Institutional products as a catalog item. However, most of the EcoFlo products will meet that criteria.

As for glue, TLF LeatherWeld has always been a non-toxic product. It works very well, except for having to wait for it to dry.


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