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blue training guns

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For the occasional gun, I'd recommend Ring's Blue Guns. They manufacture the blue training guns. Their website is: www.blueguns.com. Another source for blue guns is this place: www.miragetechnologies.net.

If you need something aside from what you can find there, let me know and I can give you a couple of other places that might have what you're looking for.

Thanks K-Man! Really appreciate the info. This forum is already paying off! I'll definitely bookmark those links and check them out. Right now I'm sitting here wishing I hadn't packed up all my tools. I'm really itchin' to mess up some leather.

Now, if I can just find that box........hmmm

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Duncan's is a source for dummy guns http://duncansoutdoor.com/customs.htm . They're aluminum and they'll custom make one if you're willing to wait. Brownell's has good prices on Ring's.

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Duncan's is a source for dummy guns http://duncansoutdoor.com/customs.htm . They're aluminum and they'll custom make one if you're willing to wait. Brownell's has good prices on Ring's.

Thanks! Maybe this sub-topic should be moved to resources? ...if only I knew how.

Good idea. Done.~~Johanna

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is a place to get a few mock pistols too

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Duncan's and Ring's Blue Guns are about the only games in town for good dummy guns. The true size on the ASP Red Guns is questionable. I have had them oversized to the point where a real pistol was a loose fit in the holster it was used to make, and when micrometered in comparison to the real pistol, the red gun was thicker thru the slide, so I stopped using them.

Edited by Mark Garrity

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Perhaps someone reading this thread could help me out, When buying blueguns to use as molds to start making holsters which ones should I get? My concern is that I will buy ones that I like rather than the ones I need based on general sales and popularity. I am trying to avoid buying something that I may only use a couple of times. I'm sure this info is out there somewhere but I havn't the faintest idea of where to look and I don't relish the idea of homeland secuity showing up at my door if I query a government agency. LOL....thanks, Jordan

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