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About a JILLION articles, books, videos, all going on (and on) about "resist".  Now, I get it -- most of those are aimed at SELLING you something (step one is convince you that you need it).  And some are just not well informed, and have become convinced that's necessary, and thus convince you (intentionally or otherwise).

I have used a bit of liquid stuff to block out very fine areas when applying dye, but turns out even that isn't necessary.  Note in this video at about 3:53 -- the "resist" is in the process of becoming a curved back holster.  But what I want you to see is the LEFT HAND GLOVE.  Without ANY application at all, the area UNDER the holster is "masked off".  You can make this a precision operation with very little prep (in seconds).


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That was entertaining.  

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Oh, good - entertaining is nice.  I'll be taking that quite a bit further afore long .. like rain days are 'topics' days.  (I pretty much forgot about all that, but had a burst of folks signing up to my y-would-ya-do-it-tube!).

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