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Hello all, I am attempting to sell my projects online with Etsy but I need help on how to photograph them. I see all these people who are selling have great photos of there work and I am sure that some have their projects done professionally. I cannot afford that so I am looking for help on how to photograph my projects so I can sell them online. Can any of you tell me how you take your pictures here? Thank you very much for your help. God Bless 

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Do you have any kind of camera right now? If so, is it a DSLR or a smartphone/tablet camera?

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Hi BrotherRon,

A cellphone camera will more than suffice, if you are using a new one that is. While the photo does depend on the camera you are using, what I find that is half the battle is the background-- making sure everything is flowing, complementing and directing the attention to the product.

DSC_4805_Fotor.jpg    DSC_5075_Fotor.jpg    tumblr_p85ttswgk11x7qocgo4_1280.jpg&key=    tumblr_p85ttswgk11x7qocgo5_1280.jpg&key=

The holster and floral carved sleeve was taken with a DSLR camera and edited in post, bringing out some of the contrast.

The valet tray on the right was taken by a cellphone camera (Samsung S7) and is not edited in any way. It is more than capable in producing the same quality photos. Actually, the ones on the left originally looked paler than the one on the right. If you are going to use a smartphone camera, you want to make sure it is a good one. Most of the flagship smartphones out there have a better camera than my old DSLR (any iPhone nowadays will work as well)

Summary: Worry more about how to frame the subject, make sure you have a lot of space, and lighting options-- it will help you a lot!

Hope this helped!

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