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Seiko CW-8B (Consew 227R) "Oil Reservoir" and oiling?

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Hello all - I tried searching for this and came up empty - so

We just got a 'new to us' Seiko CW-8B and reading the instruction manual there is a reference in one of the assembly drawings to an 'oil reservoir' and elsewhere the 'Lubrication Instructions' show you the myriad places to manually oil, but no reference to filling the 'oil reservoir'.

Is this 'reservoir' actually just a 'drip pan' or do we need to put oil into it for some sort of splash lubrication that's undocumented?

Thanks for any information!


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Possibly if manual is for a CW it is refering to the drain area in the bottom when you tilt the head back. 

I wonder if the manual may have some reference to the LCW as that has an upper reservoir.


good day


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My Seiko CW, LCW, NCW Operator's Guide (Seiko CW, LCW, NCW Operator’s Guide.pdf) covers multiple machines. The oil reservoir segments only apply to the LCW version, which, as @brmax already pointed out, actually does have an oil reservoir. The CW version does not have an oil reservoir.

Here's the segment talking about the oil reservoir on the LCW:

 Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 7.18.27 AM.png

Edited by Uwe

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Excellent, thank you - that answered my question :)


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