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Need Antique Coronet and Music Stand Case Replicated

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I had an enquiry to replicate what appears to be a turn of the century coronet case and music stand case. I am backed up with work and it's not my bailiwick.

case-3.thumb.jpg.38302d80a75a2064b948e71037a8eace.jpgSomeone making valises and traditional s would be better suited and more efficient than I would be.Case-2.thumb.jpg.00ee8a1d4948b83f2cb51890a5f228ce.jpgCase-1.thumb.jpg.4e33ec48654b348d73c1254dfaa155b2.jpg



These are the remaining pics. Please PM for the email and phone number of the customer.Case-5.thumb.jpg.edf3ab840c6743313893efbe751fa450.jpgCase-4.thumb.jpg.b879384184ef8d9d6ddfdaf57123e3c6.jpg

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I fine_antique_french_brass_cornet_couesnon__co___paris_in_leather_case_2_lgw.thumb.jpg.4f48dbddef6f09a6ca35c58689d6d50c.jpg5b9dc1a1497f9_StandCase.jpg.79da060aa6237e0e12137cfa83e1595f.jpg this is similar to what is required

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Guest meredithpea

Hi -- Has anyone taken this job? I am still being approved by the admins, but should have an account up and running soon. I'm not a 'seasoned' leatherworker yet, but I have been working steadily and diligently on learning and have completed a few original projects of my own successfully. I would like to attempt this one. Let me know what you think and what terms would be appropriate. I can send pics of my past projects, if you are interested. Thank you. 


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3 hours ago, Guest meredithpea said:

Hi -- Has anyone taken this job? I am still being approved by the admins, but should have an account up and running soon. I'm not a 'seasoned' leatherworker yet, but I have been working steadily and diligently on learning and have completed a few original projects of my own successfully. I would like to attempt this one. Let me know what you think and what terms would be appropriate. I can send pics of my past projects, if you are interested. Thank you. 


No one has responded. Message me and I'll give you Calvin's phone number. 


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It may need a touch of conditioner and about 5 gallons of NFO just to start

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