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How do I restore old tooled chair

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my buddys wife was given and old tooled chair that has been in storage and has dried and started to crack,i havent seen any pics or even seen the chair in person yet.could oiling it and help with dryness and the cracking.or is the whole chair shot due to the fact it is old and dried out.im gonna redo the chair top for her eventually.but didnt know if there was any way of saving it.didnt know if anybody had some tips or info on what to do.thanks

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The cracking is not a good sign. Not much you can do for that but adding back the oils and wax will help preserve the rest of it and maybe give you some more use. There are a meriad of products to do that as you know. Hard to beat good ol' saddle soap, I believe.

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Hi Nut,

I would recommend Pecards Leather Dressin or Dr. Jackson's Hide Rejuvenator. Stay away from anything that will leave residue in the tooling. The cracking is a problem that can't be repaired easily and if minor and not a structural thing leave it alone. Pecard's or Dr. J's will do quite a bit and you can see where to go from there.


my buddys wife was given and old tooled chair that has been in storage and has dried and started to crack,i havent seen any pics or even seen the chair in person yet.could oiling it and help with dryness and the cracking.or is the whole chair shot due to the fact it is old and dried out.im gonna redo the chair top for her eventually.but didnt know if there was any way of saving it.didnt know if anybody had some tips or info on what to do.thanks

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