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What adler is this 30-1, 30-5, 30-7?

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Hello all and thank you for accepting me, i do hand engraving, but my girls want to learn how sew so here we are. I just bought this pending shipment, but wanted to get ahead. Seller thinks its a 30-1 but is not sure. What model and how can you tell, please explain it like im a first grader.


It looks grey, but was told its green.





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30-1 most likely - small hook short needle. You can tell from the position of the arm lever pivot pin that it has a short needle (pivot point on the right = Adler 30-7 / 30-5, pivot point on the left Adler 30-1 / 30-3) plus it has no raised housing and and on the last picture you see a pice of the hook - its a small hook.

  • 30-1 small hook, short needle
  • 30-3 large hook, short needle
  • 30-5 small hook, long needle
  • 30-7 large hook, long needle

It´s a light greenish hammertone paint. BTW - foot lift lever is broken off, needle plate holes are very worn.

Edited by Constabulary

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Whichever model that is, and whatever price he's asking, I think you should talk the seller down a bit - That motor is just too small ............

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On 12/22/2018 at 1:30 AM, Constabulary said:

30-1 most likely - small hook short needle. You can tell from the position of the arm lever pivot pin that it has a short needle (pivot point on the right = Adler 30-7 / 30-5, pivot point on the left Adler 30-1 / 30-3) plus it has no raised housing and and on the last picture you see a pice of the hook - its a small hook.

  • 30-1 small hook, short needle
  • 30-3 large hook, short needle
  • 30-5 small hook, long needle
  • 30-7 large hook, long needle

It´s a light greenish hammertone paint. BTW - foot lift lever is broken off, needle plate holes are very worn.

Thank you so much! You've got a good eye, well i got him down, to half of what he originally wanted, im in Laredo, Texas, bordertown to Mexico. They actually have a singer store on the Mexican side that do repairs, hopefully they can fix her up on the cheap. 30-1 as far as ive read there are more parts. Just in case where can i find parts. The motor had seen that, it will be hand turned, she plans on using it for shoes. She customizes them. Thanks again for your help.

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