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10 Ton non-traditional press

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i am new to this forum and just getting started in leather work. My question is:

Will this type of press be acceptable to use with steel clicking dies? The two(2) dies that I currently have are

approximately 12" X 3" and 1" thick. I have a limited budget and that is why I would like to use this type of inexpensive press.

If you are using a similar press (10 ton pressure), are you getting good results? Looking forward to your most valued input.








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I use a similar 6-ton for small clicking and yes it works fine. Mine uses a bottle jack rather than a ram with separate pump. 10mm steel plate on top of the bars, cutting board on top of the plate. Leather goes on top of that, then the die and a second plate on top of the die to spread the pressure from the ram. Some people weld the spreader plate to their ram, but mine appears to have been welded together at 4.55 on a Friday afternoon so I've decided the spreader plate stays loose. The biggest limitation is the lack of space between the uprights.

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Thanks Matt for your quick and very helpful reply. Good to hear that this type of press should work. May I ask what type(s) of

clicker dies that you are using? If you have a photo, it would be very helpful to allow me to judge size.

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I have no photos immediately available but anything that's longer than either plate I usually do in multiple hits. Press, lift the ram a few mm, slide the cutting board and press again. It's not so much a lack of power, it's just I'm ginger about pressing too hard, in case I bend the die or bury it in the board. My plates happen to be 10" square I think. I've cut 18" dog collars in 3 hits before, though it's a bit fiddly.

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Thanks again Matt as you are a great help with your replies. Guess that I have assurance that a purchase for a press

is in order.


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