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Hello everybody!  Been looking around here for a while now since I saw an answer to a sewing machine question on the internet.  I noticed there are a bunch of questions asked and answered about sewing machines. I will tell you up front that I do not do leather work much at all so maybe this is not the place to ask my question. A little about me.. I've been in the upholstery business for about 43 years...fresh out of high school.  Married, no kids.  I started out with a Rex 26-188 machine.  I then bought a new Singer 211U166A.  Been a great machine but I am having some tension issues now.  I just bought a new Consew 206RB5 machine and that is the machine I need to ask questions about.  Can somebody direct me to the proper forum to ask my question?  I don't want to start off on the wrong foot by posting in the wrong forum.  Thanks

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Welcome from another VA guy- although new-ish as well... You want to post your sewing machine ?s in the Leather Sewing Machine section- The Consew has quite a few older/past threads so I suggest using the search feature liberally prior to posting- you may find your answer in droves!

Here is a link to that section of the Forum: https://leatherworker.net/forum/forum/50-leather-sewing-machines/

Im down east in Tidewater- Where abouts in the Dominion are you? Reason I ask is there is a strong Maker spaces in Northern VA (NOVA Labs) and the Norfolk (757Makerspace) areas that have Consews as well with a crew of folks that would love to have your expertise!

Welcome to the Forum and look forward to seeing more from you!

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Hello SilverForgeStudio!  Thanks for replying.  I'm down on the Virginia/Tennessee line...little town called Bristol.  I think the closest place to me that is a dealer for Consew machines is Glen's Sewing Machines in Highpoint, NC.  I haven't called them yet to ask about my machine because I didn't buy it from them.  Just thought I'd try to find the answer to my question on the internet before I call them.  It's kind of hard to diagnose over the phone and I'm sure I can "adjust" whatever need adjusting... just need to be pointed in the right direction.  The operating manual is very vague.

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Bristol is a beautiful place- Welcome to the forum and hope you get your answers- Be safe and as always- at peace!

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Thanks for the welcome. Searching forum now. 

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