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Leather Shrinking When Dyed

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I recently tried using the Vinegar-Rust method of "dying" black and the coloring part worked great. However, on large pieces (up to 30" on a large briefcase), I found the leather shrunk up to 1". Is that common? Is it only with this method or with other dyes as well? Should I dye a slightly larger piece of leather, THEN cut out the exact size needed afterwards? Thanks in advance! This forum is GREAT.


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I think its just like if you put the whole thing in a bunch of water, when it dries its probably gonna shrink up some. Maybe oil it real good when its drying or set it on some kind of a jig to keep it from stretching. Maybe, Im still new so, but mos teverything I used with vinegaroon I molded after words while it was still wet

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Anytime you wet leather it will swrink. That is why you will see the clamp marks on a hide of leather. When they put them on the drying racks they will clamp them so they do not swrink up. Next time before you dye a large piece like that, do the following.

You can buy plexiglass at your local hardware or home center. Glue it down to the plexiglass with rubber cement. Then do all your tooling and dying while glued down. After it is dry peel it off the plexiglass.

Another way that works but just not as good is buy some clear shelf linner, the kind with the sticky back, peel off the back and stick it to the back side of the leather. It will warp some when you dye but it will not swrink up as bad as not using it at all. The shelf paper will peel off and not leave a residue like glueing with rubber cement.

I have been know to apply the shelf paper and then glue it down to the plexiglass. This way it will not swrink, stretch or leave a glue residue.

In the mean time you could try oiling the piece you dyed to see if some of the size comes back but I doubt it will help much.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks Randy and MadMax. I should've known, but just never dyed a large piece. Fortunately on this piece, I was able to make the briefcase and it just turned out 1/2 inch shorter. I appreciate both answers, thanks, TZHunter

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