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Techsew cylinder arm 3800

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Good evening,

I’m looking at buying a techsew 3800 cylinder arm,it has the flat top attachment and the speed reducer pulley and servo motor, I have 4 questions any help would be appreciated,

(1) what is the heaviest thread and needle I can use?

(2) what thickness of leather would it sew and is it good for making wallets with that flat table?

(3) can that machine with the table attachment do the same work as my singer  211g 166?

(4) does the techsew 3800 come with the needle position sensor?

Thanks Omer

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@Omer Moved your post to leather sewing machines.  More likely to get help here.
Have you contacted Techsew for this info?

I suppose you are looking at this kijiji ad.https://www.kijiji.ca/v-hobbies-craft/fredericton/techsew-3800-leather-sewing-machine/1478826380
The owner should know whether it has NPS or not.  It is an option, just like options on cars, etc.



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I would give Techsew a call in the morning they would be able to answer your questions. I don't think the 3800 is a very current model and think the price as well as access to parts are going to be major factors in your decision.


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