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Hole size for stitching 1/4” lace

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Hello everyone,

Newbie here keen on learning ! I have searched the web and numerous leather sites and cannot find the answer - I would to edge stitch using a thick 1/4”  lace. Does that mean I need a 1/4” punch to make the holes? Since the lace is flat, shouldn’t I be able to get the lace in a smaller round  hole? Would prefer to use a lacing chisel, but again I am having difficulty finding a size and spacing to accommodate the 1/4” lace. Surely this has been done before and I just haven’t figured it out. 

Thanks for your help !

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52 minutes ago, Deltajen said:

Surely this has been done before and I just haven’t figured it out. 

Edge lacing can take many forms, sometimes lacing through the same hole more than once. Also, the thickness (weight) of the lace and the suppleness of the leather that you are lacing into can be a factor. There are too many variables involved to have a pat answer to your questions. You will just want to experiment with what you have to see what works best. Are you familiar with Bruce Grant's books on lacing?  They cover a lot of ground, and you might find them to be helpful.

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Thanks for the book suggestion. I’ll look into it!

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