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What's the difference between a Singer 41-2 and 41-5?

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If you say -3, I'm going to hire someone to come slap you with a trout :P


I have the option of buying either a Singer 42-1 or 42-5 this week. I love my Consew 206RB-5 but being limited to 138 thread is a bummer for things like holsters and sheaths so my interest in the 42 is for stitching with big boy thread. I've done some searching on here and on google in general but mostly I've been turning up information about the 42 Class and not specific differences between the 42-1 and 42-5 that might inform me about which I should buy. Anyone got the details?

Edited by williaty

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    Machine 42-1: for leather, has a drop feed to the left of the needle, a roller presser and central bobbin shuttle and can be operated up to the speed of 400spm

    Machine 42-5: for stitching automobile and carriage tops, curtains, cushions, wagon covers, horse blankets, and heavy textiles, has drop feed to the left of the needle, alternating pressers, and a long beak cylinder shuttle. Speed 1000


 I finally found a manual that's legible. I'm going to dump a quote here for future reference. So it sounds like the big differences are the -1 having the roller presser vs the -5 having the primitive spring loaded faux walking foot arrangement and the text implies the -1 and -5 have different bobbin arrangements.


    Any reason to prefer one or the other?


Edited by williaty

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The problem with either one of these is getting a shuttle or even the shuttle tension spring.If ever need one they are almost impossible to find.

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