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Hi There, I'm new to the forum, although i'm a long time lurker as this seems to be the best place to get opinions on anything leather. I'm in the market for a walking foot or roller foot sewing machine and found a local kijiji listing for one of each. The first is a singer cylinder arm machine with what appears to be a landis badge (second picture), and the second is a post bed roller foot sewing machine with a supreme badge and a separate landis badge (i think) - this looks like a Landis TK51(third picture), but i'm really not that experienced with sewing machines and was wondering your opinion. Can anyone help identify these? Can you give me any info about quality? They are selling for $600 each and i really have no context about sewing machine pricing.



If you go to the Landis site ( http://landisinternational.ca  ) you maybe able to find some close matches. The important point is what are you planning on sewing and with what thread sizes. Then look at machines which will be able to handle those projects. From looking at the other ads the owner has up they may have been used in a shoe repair shop environment. Looking at the condition of the machines my thoughts are :

i) The post bed looks like it has seen better days as it appears to have been stored for some time, rusted parts maybe present.

ii) The Singer appears to be maybe a model 17-41? and parts like shuttles maybe hard to find and limited to V92 thread.

iii)The flatbed seems like some form of a Seiko  STH-8BL or similar and appears to be in good cosmetic shape and probably able to handle V138.

iv) All three machines have clutch motors which you should replace with servo motors for many reasons.

If any of these machines meets your needs go take a look and see if they will sew your stuff with the thread size you want to use.



What are you planning on sewing?


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