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Learning To Use Round Knife?

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I am still fairly new to leather work an I just got a new round knife for Christmas. Up to this point, I've been using sheers and an x-acto knife to cut leather for my projects. I would really like to start using the round knife, but I want to learn how to use it properly. On all of the videos where I've seen one used, it seems like it cuts much better and easier than any other method. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I should start as far as learning goes? (books, DVD's, tutorials, etc...??)


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The main most thing I have a problem with, . . . is watching my left hand. I'm naturally right handed, . . . eat, type, shoot, throw, shift, . . . do it all righty.

Every time I pick my head knife up, . . . I make a mental note to watch that left hand, . . . because if it is in the way and I slip, . . . it is in trouble.

That is also the reason that I use a drywall knife for most of my cutting.

May God bless,


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Sharpen it first. Keep you weak hand behind the blade incase it slips out of what your cutting. It may take a little bit to get used to it but their far ahead of any other knife for leather work. Pratice on some scrap and i would get a white cutting board from wal mart or some place like that to cut on, the knife won't dig into that like a poundo board. I use a piece of non slip stuff they sell to put in cabinet to keep dishes and cups in place under mine to keep it from slipping. I'm not sure what it's called.

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