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About LedoMetio

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LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    carving and tooling
  • Interested in learning about
    leather tooling techniques, stitching
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. Hi, Just finished my first wallet. Being happy with the exterior, I will have to change the dimensions to have more space for Euro notes and credit cards. I am a beginner, so critics are welcome, especially for things I can improve on tooling and stitiching. Regards from sunny Westerwald! Melanie
  2. Two gifts are finale finished, yippie! The Black one is a Box for ballpens. The brown one is a cigarette box for a big pack and a zippo. Both not perfect, but it's getting better.
  3. Hallo Barbara und herzlich willkommen. Ich habe ein bißchen in deinem Shop gestöbert. Du hast superschöne Sachen, besonders gut gefällt mir der vintage Union Jack, das sieht klasse aus. Ich wünsche euch einen stressfreien Umzug! Liebe Grüsse aus dem Westerwald, Melanie
  4. Hi Ray! I'm happy to hear about your good memories of your stay in Germany. Especially the southern part has beautiful places, we like to spend our holidays there (and eat a Haxe) To all I like to say Thank You for the warm welcome!
  5. Hi Ray! I'm happy to hear about your good memories of your stay in Germany. Especially the southern part has beautiful places, we like to spend our holidays there (and eat a Haxe) To all I like to say Thank You for the warm welcome!
  6. Hi Frederiek! This handbag is so beautiful, I can not stop looking at it. Also visited your website, you have wonderful products. Hope to see more of your work! Best regards
  7. Na, da gibt es aber schlimmeres :-) Das klingt doch sehr romantisch!
  8. Hi! Ich komme aus dem schönen Westerwald, etwa 40km von Koblenz entfernt. Was hat dich in die USA verschlagen?
  9. Hello Leatherworker's Community! My name is Melanie, and I come from a small village in Germany. I am happy of having found this wonderful website, and I am looking forward to get in contact with other leather workers to exchange pictures or getting tips from you well-experienced leather artists, since I am infected by the leather bug for several months now and just can't stop carving, tooling and stitching! The gallery shows wonderful pieces of art, and I hope to train my skills to reach this level of experience, too (as well as my English, sorry for the mistakes...) So, happy tooling! Melanie
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