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bruce johnson

cellular high speed

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I am rural at home, DSL not available (irony is the guy who owns the place we rent developed bringing DSL and high speed to the masses). I did not want to sink any hardware into anntenas, satellite, or other means and expenses on a rental place. I was chunking along on dial-up speeds on the laptop from 34-42 kbps were average. The PC would top out at 26.4.

A few days ago it was brought to my attention that cellular high speed is available. Basically it is either an aircard or USB plug-in that enables high speed wherever there is a cellular signal. I went with Verizon, and the speeds are dramatic. Down load rates of 50 and more, where it used to be 4. I don't need to go to coffee shops or fast food to get high speed. Pretty handy, and definitely cool. Might be an option for those on the go, or situations similar to mine.

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I like the convenience of packing my laptop and being able to go online at my convenience, no logging into insecure or public connections, no pigg-backing on someone's unsecured network, and a different IP addy every time I log in. ;) (Dave and Kate are the only ones that get that!) My Verizon aircard is faster than my at home cable connection, when I'm not at home. (It's rural here, too!) But it smokes in cities like Chicago & Pittsburgh, and the service has seldom been unavailabe.

Some speed tests and other diagnostics, if you're curious:




Bet Dave knows some more...He's got a T-1


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Strange how you take things for granted. I've had a wireless card for about a year now, furnished by my employer, convinced them I needed it to keep up with my projects. I guess I thought most people keep up with techie stuff like I do, when actually they don't. I've always been a geek. I logged into the forum while sitting in my truck in a traffic jam in Montgomery once. Maybe a few of the folks here will be helped by Bruce's post. I have Cingular and it works fine.

Keep on Smilin


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We've been providing broadband mobile wireless access to all our sales reps when they go out on the road. It has opened up a whole new world to them - they can access customers' accounts via the VPN, and don't have to pay those ridiculous fees that hotels and convention centers charge for internet access. So far, everyone who's tried it really loves it!


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