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Cobra 4 Stitching Question

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So I have had my machine for a few months now and just started sewing with 277 Bonded Thread, I have been using 138 bonded. For some reason I can not get the bobbin thread pulled up and in. I am using the smallest needle recommended for 277 which is a 25. I have tried adjusting the tension on the top, but just can't seem to get it. I am sewing 2 layers of 8 oz.

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Can't use 277 in the bobbin on a 227 or Techsew 2700. 138 is the largest size that will work in the bobbin. Anything larger won't fit through the slot leaving the bobbin. Too much drag, even if you reduce the bobbin tension. Can use larger thread in the needle. I'm using 207 on top with no problems. Haven't tried anything larger.


Edited by northmount

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On my machine i get a piece of chap leather 3/4 ounce and fold it to set the tension. When i have the tension set i hardly ever have to change for what ever thickness i'm sewing. I use a 200 size needle ( it may be a size 25 their should be both numbers on your needle package ) on 277 and 207 thread no problem.

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I use 277 bonded nylon regularly on 2 layers of 8oz without a problem in my Class 4. Are you certain the machine is threaded correctly? Have you made any adjustments to the bobbin tension? You might try calling Steve and asking him how to reset the tension. I haven't had to do so with my Class 4, but on the Boss I previously owned, you basically backed off the two top tension nuts completely, then screwed them back on just until they contacted the spring. Once they made contact, you turned them both basically two complete revolutions (one may have been 1.5 revolutions), then adjust the bobbin tension until the thread gets pulled into the center of the leather.

Steve should be able to quickly walk you through the proper way to adjust the tension from scratch on the Class 4 in just a couple minutes.

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I miss-read the OP. Some how got a model 227 mixed in there! Sorry for adding some confusion to the mix.

To be able to pull the knots higher into the leather, needs more top tension. But there is a practical limit to that. If you have reached that point, the next thing is to use a larger needle to make a little larger hole so it's easier to pull the knot up into the hole.

Call Steve. As mentioned, he can get you going very quickly.


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