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My first leather mug....

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Hey folks. I'm heading out to the TX Ren Fest with my youngest son this weekend so I made a mug to hang from my belt.

I took a 5/16" thick piece of vegtan, glued a super thin calfskin piece to the flesh side and then rolled it into a cup shape and glued it. Made a bottom from abotu piece the same size and glued it in. Covered the bottom and the top rim with two more pieces of super thin calfskin and set it aside to dry.

Dipped it real good in some bee's wax, cooled, baked at 250F, cooled and then ran it thru the cycle two more times (per my local Tandy rep).

Let it cool and then added the two straps with the handle attached to the straps. Wetted it and let the straps dry a few times to help them shrink up a little.

It came out pretty close to what I wanted. I will be checkign out more at the Fest this weekend and will prob make me another one before next year now that I've learned a think or two.....

Yell if you got any tips or critques!!!










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Nice. I've been thinking of making a couple mugs for me and some friends who do the ren fest stuff. Good job, can't wait to see the next ones.

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Heey William, that came out pretty cool. :clapping::clapping:

I like the look of the inside too. Now you're really set up for a renfest weekend.

Well done!!


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Very nice work. :cheers: I have thinking about trying a tankard myself.

I sure do miss the Texas Ren fest. I was going and watching a little known group (at that time) called the Texas Rogues. I do get to attend the Maryland Ren fest, but it isn't home. Enjoy your weekend!

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Thanks guys!!

I found out after I made it that any type of aclohal or even coke will breakdown the bees wax.......hhhmmm

If nothing else, it is a good conversation piece to add to my outfit!


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Well, yeah.... that's what I was thinking from the start. Not only would it break down but probably not add a very good taste to anything you put in it.

You could use it for a beggar's cup, though. The way things are going, it just might come in handy....

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