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Are There Any Leather Working Classes/workshops In The Uk?

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Hi as it says in the title,

I live in the UK in the north wales area but can travel into shropshire/manchester/lancs/midlands areas without too much difficulty,and was wondering if there was anyone out there who gives classes in leatherworking,I am keen to improve on my machine sewing,and also tooling techniques,

I make things for motorcycles as a hobby at the moment but would like to begin selling stuff in ernest and feel I could improve with some mentoring.



samples of my work can be seen here- www.bat-shadow.jigsy.com

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I guess Andy Bates might be your best call for general leatherwork & perhaps tooling, however, he's near Newcastle, so a bit far away from you.

Try to find a saddlery near you - they might be offering some training courses...

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thanks Guys,

the ones in kent are well too far for me,

Andy Bates I,M afraid I know nothing of but thanks for the tip about the saddlers shops,deffo worth looking at.



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Hi, Chris Taylor at Saddlers Den in Southport Merseyside does leather courses (saddlersden.co.uk) as does Valerie Michael in Tetbury Glos (leathercourses.co.uk) but I don't know of anyone who specifically does machining or tooling . Hope this is of some help.

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:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Thankyou Welshcobs will look into them.



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Hi John.. It may be worth contacting UKRay.. I think I remember reading that he was devising courses in leatherwork.

I gather he's been busy with show for the (ahem..) summer, but maybe he's got some planned for the winter? Worth an ask as I believe he's from the Welsh borders area, so may not be too far away from you.. ;)



ps. I can breathe now..finally found the thread where he mentioned setting up a course.. lol


There ya go.. ;)

Edited by Horrrk

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