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which machine is best

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My Dad recently past away and I inherited two tredles (Singer 29k51) and a (Adler30-1),I to am a leather crafter but not experienced in leather sewing,mostly tooling,but I have made a few quilts so I do know how to sew but nothing like this.PLEASE HELP ,Other than the size differance Is one better than the other in any way? and are parts easier to find on one and not the other?

Edited by chucksparky

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Well since you can't get gears for the 29k51 I'd say keep the Adler, parts are much easier to get & some Singers parts will fit saving some $$ since Adlers parts are very expensive.


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Well since you can't get gears for the 29k51 I'd say keep the Adler, parts are much easier to get & some Singers parts will fit saving some $$ since Adlers parts are very expensive.


Thank You Bob this is much needed info.

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Thank You Bob this is much needed info. that explains why he had the Adler at the house he was at and the Singer was in storage.

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I'll bet your right when he got the Adler he found it it would sew alittle heavier & smoother too.

Just thought I'd mention we stock thread,needles & anything else you might need fot it.

Let me know if you have anymore questions.


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