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Al Stolhman brand maul

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I just purchased an Al Stolhman brand maul.

It comes with two heads.

I want to change from the poly head to the rawhide head.

It came with NO instructions. I emailed TANDY,they got back to me

Said they DIDNOT know how to chacge the head,

that I should just keep the poly head on, but I want to use the rawhide one!

Does anyone know how to change the head?

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Take off the nut & washer. Using a flat screwdriver or a sturdy tack/staple remover, begin prying the leather handle away from the poly head. It may be easier, (& necessary) to take a sharp knife & go between the leather washers, loosening & removing 2" or 2-1/2" sections at a time (they can be reglued & reassembled after the new head is on).

Btw, Tandy has some real dopes working in 'cursetomer service'.

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I just purchased an Al Stolhman brand maul.

It comes with two heads.

I want to change from the poly head to the rawhide head.

It came with NO instructions. I emailed TANDY,they got back to me

Said they DIDNOT know how to chacge the head,

that I should just keep the poly head on, but I want to use the rawhide one!

Does anyone know how to change the head?


Hang tight and i'll get an answer for you tomorrow. It's not tough on a King maul, so the Stohlman should not be also. It's just a little flashier with that pretty end cap. I think Barry's is a Delrin™ head and I have two different weights and like them both. I also have a really large hefty rawhide for wacking my strap end cutters and rosette punches. Just a matter of preference and budget.


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I bought one and had the same problem. A lot of pounding later I got it off. The bolt was all rusted inside the maul. I sanded all that off and put a light coat of oil on it to replace it with the rawhide one. I was not real impressed with it.


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The answer is as stated to take the cap nut off of the handle end and drive the shaft toward the maul head. Be careful not to strip the threads. The leather may have swollen some in time but it should bread loose. The other end cap is a Stohlman brand concho cover for the pretty effect-not functional except to hold the head in place. Just replace the poly head with the rawhide and reverse the process tightening the cap nut. A little emery paperHope this helps.

Corporate TLF wants to know who gave you the "I DON'T KNOW" answer. Policy now is toward good customer service and if they don't know the answer find it!

Just stick with Front-Line Products (me) and we'll help you whenever and whereever we can.

John aka Indy


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Same problem here, after beating the shaft out of the handle and having the leather handle completely come apart in the process it kinda left me wondering how could I have been so stupid as to pay $100 for a maul and another 35 for a rawhide head just to end up with a trashed pile of junk. Goes to show just cuz something bears a respected name it can still be garbage. Wont make the mistake of buying stohlman brand products again.

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Thanks for getting the answer, Thanks to all.

I spoke to the manager at the tandy store where I purchased, by the way, it was the last one of that type that comes with both heads. It was on sale last month, a close out sale,but I missed the sale. I paid $119.00 Tandy wholesale price, thats still expensive.

The manager said I could return it which is what I think I'll do, & just purchase the one with the poly head, it's half price at $60.00. I just wanted to try a maul, after pounding my trusty mallet for 35 years thought I'd try a maul. I'll let you know which one I like better after I get the new one.

Edited by craftsman827

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Do you lean your elbow on the table when you stamp? If so, you may want a tapered head maul. And If you're paying $60 for that maul, I would suggest Barry Kings Maul. I think the balance is much better than the Al Stohlman brand. (I have the ALS brand mallet that I don't use very much).


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I don't lean my elbow while tooling.

I have the $120.00 credit at Tandy, so I thought I'd try the 1 lb. maul.

You see I'v always use a mallet, just wanted to try a maul.

There are no more leather supply stores where I live, so everything is mail order.

It's nice to have the luxary to try a tool out before buying it, but I don't.

Thanks for your input it's always welcome.

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I understand. If you've already got the credit there you might as well use it. I actually bought Barry's maul without testing it. But have been using it ever since. I thought it would be too weird to use vs. a mallet. But I was instantly hooked. I've been using a maul for the last 8 months or so and don't see myself going back to a mallet. I think you'll enjoy a maul. Good luck with your tool.


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You were right !

I received my order from Tandy. I've been using my new maul, the 1 lb.

I like it.It's great for tooling the carving area of my leather.

For stamping I'll prob. use the mallet. But the maul feels realy nice.

Mallets have there place, & so do mauls, I guess it's just the person's preference.

But I'm glad I bought the maul. After all these years.

So I guess you can teach an old (leathercrafter) new tricks. lol

Thanks for your imput Marlon,

Your friend in leather,

Peter I. aka craftsman827

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I just purchased an Al Stolhman brand maul.

It comes with two heads.

I want to change from the poly head to the rawhide head.

It came with NO instructions. I emailed TANDY,they got back to me

Said they DIDNOT know how to chacge the head,

that I should just keep the poly head on, but I want to use the rawhide one!

Does anyone know how to change the head?

I realize this is a late reply:unsure: but, if you put it in the freezer it should come off a little easyer.

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