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About Yukonrookie

  • Birthday 01/03/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Yukon Territory, Canada
  • Interests
    Hunting, trapping, horse packing, mountain hunts, log work, blade smithing and recently leather craft…..

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wouldn’t call it a specialty. So far just Belts and a few sheaths.
  • Interested in learning about
    Tooling, saddlery, belts, sheaths, holsters, the list goes on
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Sounds great! Thanks for all your replies. I think I got my list together. My heaviest Maul is 24oz so I might add one of your 32oz WJ Mauls to it. Thanks again for your advice.
  2. That’s beautiful work there @bruce johnson ! Thank for posting those pictures! I’m putting together an order with you in the near future. I won’t be back home for another 3 - 4 weeks so I gotta wait at least another couple weeks before I’ll actually place it. You see, too often in the past have I forgone proper research before placing an order for stamps. This time I’m trying to do it better and try to gather as much research as possible, so that the tools I order actually fit each specific job while still looking nice to my eye. Where I live it’s keep the tool you ordered because shipping back would be on my dime and a hassle. Anyhow, that’s why I’m asking so many (annoying) questions. I narrowed my choices down to WJ230, WJ245, WJ90 and WJ221. Those are all 1/4”. They should fit perfectly with my 1/4” wide basket stamps (I.e. BK#3). Would you say they should still fit well with my 3/16” (I.e. BK #2) wide basket stamps? Last question (promise ): WJ245 and 246 should be placed tightly together, right? Leaving no gaps. Meaning it wouldn’t work so well on curves, corners, bends etc. Better for more or less straight borders. Or am I missing something? Thanks in advance for your patience!
  3. Thanks for explaining that. Yeah, I still have some craftool or craft Japan stamps, but I stay away from them as much as possible. So far it’s been mostly BK, Sergey, Texas leather tools, I think I’ll give those Jueschke stamps of yours a try next though. Thanks for that picture. That helps for someone that’s still a bit of a newb like myself and can only order online with deciding. You see I’m not exactly sure which camo or border stamps I want. Just that I want to try out something else. What does that rope border you mentioned look like? At the risk of becoming annoying, would you happen to have a picture handy?
  4. Just to clarify for dummies (I obviously don’t mean myself )….. If we take a BK “rope” size 3 (1/4”x7/16 or 6.35x11.11mm) as an example….. By the “Golden Rule” you mentioned, the width of my border stamp shouldn’t be wider than approx. 1/4” or 6.35mm, correct? Would you consider a C425 (7x6mm) on the big side the BK #3? I think I may have been using bigger camo stamps than I should’ve.
  5. Thanks for the reply and picture Bruce. Looks great! Yup, I’m sure now. The wagon wheel will definitely be one of the 3 or 4 camo tools I’ll be getting this time around.
  6. Hi folks, I‘m in need of some decent camo tools. But just in combination with basket stamping. So right now, I’m just interested in camo stamp alternatives that work well with basket stamping, yet are different than these ones I already own: C425, C431, C709, N305, N720…. For other jobs I got a decent array of border/camo tools. For basket stamping I only got a few Craft Japan starburst? or clam? style camo stamps- mentioned above. They are alright but not the cleanest imprint and a bit boring to me, by now. Some examples of camo tools I searched around for online I found on Bruce Johnson’s page. Like Wayne Jueschke 219, 220, 221, WJ 228, 229 and WJ 246, 248. Does anyone own one or some of them? If yes, some pictures would be a huge help in deciding which to try next.. Sometimes seeing pictures of finished or partially finished projects can really help with choosing. Now those were some examples to give you guys an idea. Any other makes and models you know of would be very helpful too though. I know even Sergey has some nice camo stamps, a couple of which I even own myself, but they all seem too large for the size basket stamps I use. Basket stamps I own that see the most use are Barry King rope and single bar sizes #2 and #3. I haven’t yet had a project where #3 looked too small. So, to summarize I’m just looking to hear what camo tools some of you guys/gals use for basket jobs that are different than the typical clam/sunburst Camo tools, like listed above. Any ideas would be great to help me pinpoint and shrink down to 2 or 3 stamps to order next. Thanks a bunch in advance!
  7. Now that sounds very cool, beehive! Do you have any pictures?
  8. Yeah, I hear ya. I never realized how long some of these jobs could take. At this stage any project I make takes me ages to finish. I don’t mind though. I’m still new enough at this that I enjoy every aspect of it. Even the sewing, although to a lesser degree then mostly anything else I actually made 1 Ranger belt thus far and it took me more like 60+ hours lol. I stamped some of the main strap with a small hollow box diamond stamp too though. So that took me about 6 -7 or so hours. I’m trying to be pretty meticulous.
  9. Do you make a lot of those?
  10. Well, I had to put this project on the back burner for a while. I’ll definitely reporting back on it once I made progress. Apart from a lot of unrelated crap that I have to pay attention to I also had to squeeze in a belt and a simple pancake sheath for pocket knife. I’m hoping to get those done this weekend though.
  11. That’s what I find the most intriguing. To make the tool that works best with whatever project you’re working on.
  12. All great and important suggestions. Thanks a bunch guys. Lots to think about before making my exact plan of attack
  13. I got a question to you guys and gals out there that use an airbrush. What type filter do yous all use? I’m using mostly Fiebing Pro dye and Angelus Alcohol dye. I read that for solvent based dyes one should wear at least an A1, but there is acetone in some of them so I thought I best ask here. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  14. Will do. Probably won’t be pretty by most people’s standards but I’m slowly getting a handle on this;)
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