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Posts posted by ironhead13

  1. Oh ya so that reminds me...so whats up with your new seat?????? I have finished 2 guitar straps since you started taking about asking how to cut the top and bottoms:) 4 days ago.....SO::::::::::::

    I did just finish the artwork:) For mine:)


    Some of us are still slaves. Even on vacation I can't seem to get away long enough to work on stuff.

    Not a slave. Company shut down almost two years ago. However, got a 10 month old I watch during the day. By the time she gets home.. Im a bit stir crazy and I burn up what little cash I got in the gas tank. Unless we have print work or some other payin gig.

  2. I've commited to the final design. Im pushing my luck and limits with it. 4 faces + limited tooling experience should prove to be a learning/frustrating experience. I did a test of the toughest face last night, though not perfect by anymeans, I kinda got a feel for what I should do in certain parts. We'll see. I won't be afraid to post updates regardless of the outcome. I truely have no shame. Including the test piece when I finish this will be roughly my 10th time carving a project. Hell I could go 35mph all day... but I'd rather go 100.

    Burned 3 tanks of gas today raising hell (no wonder Im broke.... ), gonna wrap up something I started last week and should be starting this tomorrow.

  3. I like high risers myself. My last bike, I made the risers (9") and the z bars (4-5").

    Bike is cool! If it happens to get to cold for you in the winter.. you could drop it off to me and I'll keep it warm :)

    Bikes are supposed to be dirty, who's got time to wash them and why? That's what the rain is for.

  4. I've got something thinking to do yet. What Im gonna to attempt to tool, I shouldn't be trying. So Im gonna be doing some parts on scraps and see what Im gonna need to learn or figure out for certain area's. Gonna try not to bomb toooo big! Gotta practice the pear shader for sure, will need them, and I suck terribly using them the few times I've tried!!! This is all in the attempt to just go the F for it.

    Got what your saying about the leather. I think I mostly had a similar idea, as I was going to cut the top to come down and meet the sheet metal.

    Now for your knee trick, is that with foam or without? (the confusion comes from thinking of the foam compressing when lacing tight)

  5. Alright, first seat or at least first seat with foam.

    Made the pan, hammered against a acetlyne bottle cap. Two halves, 16g with a 1 1/2 x 3/16 brace inside up the middle. It ain't bending. Did it this way, not only out of boredom but that's how I wanted to do it. Hadn't messed with any real metal projects since the company I worked for shut down, so even if it sucks it was much needed.

    The foam is just from an old seat. Had to do what I had to do to make it work. Doing this on the cheap. May try to fill the spot or redo the nose....anyhow. Thickest part is about an inch or so, the shape is mostly in the top portion of the sheet metal and tried to get the foam cut down to match. Cannot stand thick foam, the harder the seat the better.

    Tooling wise, I wasn't going to do much of anything. But, I've got what I guess you could say is the "bug" from the recent belts I've been doing. However, I will be going WAY beyond my limited to non-existant skill level... all or nothing... I suppose you could say. Not 100% set on exactly what Im doing here yet... Either way Im sure I'll hate myself more when I do.

    Anyhow, the reason for putting this up:

    Not sure what to expect. I want (or at least think I want) to do the leather in two pieces, top and bottom. I'll be using 6-7oz I think it is. If I do the two peice deal, will the top peace lay against the curve I have in the foam or am I setting myself up for failure here?

    Haven't decided on what lacing to do yet, open to suggestions on what may be best for the pan. Would like to to try the round braid... not sure if that will work ok or not to be honest with this. I probably will not be using kangaroo....

    Anyhow, heres the pan. I may mess with the foam more (it could be better I know) .... I suppose that depends on how bored I become before it's said and done!


  6. Yeah, I could go on a long time too, but I do agree. But, it's also in part because we've migrated from a production society to a service society. And, those who are working production just aren't happy, so there's lots of room for things to change.

    Yeup. To many people that are good at what they do and work hard and recieve nothing of value in return, while some lazy pig in a suit rakes in all the cash sitting on his worthless .... butt.

    Trade and barter is where we should be instead of enslaved meaningless peasents handed a coin will being threatened to work faster. Honostly, Chancey summed up my thoughts in a post not to long ago though it was a non-related topic. The rich would not be so rich, and the day of inferior products you slaved for would be over.

    It's pretty sad, at least out here at the moment. You can get paid more for running a press break than tig welding.

    I suppose we got a bit off topic of the thread a little!

  7. Well I never planned on going with one of those brands. S&S or hd as far as im concerned.

    Hell those companies are one of the reasons why we can twin cams now instead of evo's as hd has a "better" patent on the tc than previous engines.

    I'll probably "make someone mad" by saying this, but lazy america doesn't help the situation one bit. I can't stand working with and for slackers.... but this could be a conversation that could last forever.

  8. From what old English Don is going through on his temporary Ultima shovel - I'd stick with an S&S.

    Yeah, don't know much about utima or revtech really (seen a few here and there but that's about it). Other than they come in factory "choppers" (I shouldn't have name them!).

    Though, I've heard some complaints lately about S&S's quality control as well. But, that's the way it goes. The red and black flamed Pan I posted a pick of, which belongs to a friend, used drag specialties wrist pins (rebuilt last year) which came lose last month and.... well.... it's being rebuilt right now again due to poorly manufactured parts. (why he choose drag I don't know..)

  9. That bold outline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    You could always make one...? Not sure what your limited with tools, but getting creative and working with what you got is sometimes to cool part (or frustrating part) when it comes to metal.

  10. The "joke" was that usually when done, for me, the dissapointment isn't from it being over. But, from "I shoulda done this, that would have looked so much better, that really just isn't what I had in my head, dang, I really just ruined this and probably shoulda done it over, wow, that didn't really work out as planned, man I won't do that this that way again, or the best one, this next part is easy... I can't mess this up... crap!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  11. That's more celtic than tribal, so it's Ok. Tribal is ALL I ever did when tattooing and I really grew to hate it. They're looking great.

    That "Mr. King" thing is more of an inside joke/reference that we had decided on because Kerry King is crazy enough to have written a song about himself and just hidden behind the name of Gein :)

    Yeah, that tribal crap got old real fast. Im not sure how many people I've seen wanting that goldberg tribal piece.....My guy, will not do tribal. He'll send'em on to one of the other guys.

    But, yeah I suppose you are correct, being more celtic.

    I kinda figured there may have been something more to the mr. king thing!

  12. Yeah, you gotta rock out with your feet in that situation. But, it works great for tooling - Especially if you're listening to "Dead Skin Mask"........."mr. king? I'm not having fun anymore"

    :eusa_naughty: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_naughty: ahhhhhhhh! Sorry! She's actually saying Mr. Gein, as the song is about Ed Gein!! 1 of around 5 or 6 songs based upon a serial killer, but Im sure you know that.


    Checked out Sixgun Republic, put two and two together... being 5 and that your in the band, cool stuff. used to do the band/music thing....about 20 over the limit, tight curve, used oil barrel tipped over in a truck 10-20 mins before I came though...... yeah....left arm just ain't never been quite right ever since.


    finished these two. Again, can't seem to get the right pic, light is the enemy! but no matter. I hate trible (spawning from my time working in tattoo shops) thought it may be cool to tool.




  13. It is a lot of work to pound that background with the tool you are using...I do it all the time!

    It takes doing it a lot to get it perfect...but you are killing it and the belts look great!

    The thing you did to the 718 is called inverted carving:) You backgrounded what normally would be the main picture...Inverted Carving:)

    Here is my sons belt...same color scheme.

    The background I used here is A885.

    You used A888 or should have, there is a much smaller one for very small stuff like the inside of an A.

    A888-2...it is a real time sucker and that is why I almost always now use the A855. But I do like the look and still use the A888 from time to time!

    I do use that A888 to outline a lot of stuff and also use it for inverted backgrounds:)

    It is pretty standard.

    After you use the A885 like I did re-stamp your letters to give the nice impression you originally had before you started backgrounding.

    Don't use the pebble backgrounder to surround letters it always looks messy. Like in the first pic you did...(It would be ok if you would have done it all the way through the background of the letters but you only did around each letter and it looks a bit uneven)

    I think you learned that lesson and tried something else...which is looking good!

    Just Re-Stamp the Letters after backgrounding.

    Color the letters black first and then add the red...black doesn't cover over red very well for some reason if you get red on the letters by accident but if it is black first it still may discolor, but hit it with black again and it will be all good!

    Remember; If it aint fun it aint worth doing!

    And you can always give them my number....hahahahaha

    Just kidding! ;)

    Keep up the good work!

    My stuff has flaws and isn't always perfect the day it is maybe I'll get hit by a bus or something better!

    All we can do is learn something new everyday and do the best we could...cause to people who can't do anything for themselves our flaws are their white whale! I used to work for this lady in NY who's husband was a surgon and wouldn't even change a lightbulb or fix the chain on the toilet! So I know most people are just not mechanically inclined(even surgeons)...and that is ok to! I need their money to feed my kids!

    Until then we are all just humans...at least until the Robots and LASERS TAKE OVER!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha

    Yeah, did all the black first, then the red. It kinda made a bronze effect with any that layed on the black. But adding a touch of oil and rubbing in the wax seemed to have cleaned that up. I assume it was just extra pigment sitting on top.

    For the pebble deal, I had never used it and figured Id give it a shot. The letters were allready cut and beveled and wasn't sure if I was gonna do more. Grabbed that tool, and decided not to do the entire background. The reason for that decision was I kinda liked how it looked, but I may use it again on one of the others as a full background.

    The only stamp tools I used other than the pebbler was 688 and 888 for the other background. And b935, 205, 200, 941 for the bevelers.

    The belt you posted looks great, restamping the the letters really brings them out. But I cut mine, so no restamping. I have though, learned recently there is another piece apperantly needed to pound those 1" letters down... lol.

    But, cutting them, though probably has taken away alot of definition, it has been great for practicing with the knife.

    Start of the 4th,


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