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Posts posted by ironhead13

  1. I have that same problem. I'm getting better at it the more I do them, but I'm still thinking about a filigree blade to help out some.

    Im thinking about beefing up the barrel and see what that does. Thinking about it now, I think it's the slinderness of the tool rather than what Im doing with it.

    I should just backspace that whole line.... oh well!

  2. Ya I see you liked my backgrounds/ border Liners:) hahaha

    J/K looks great dude! Finally some pics up very nice!!!


    HA, actually I did steal something I saw from one of your pics (at least knowingly anyhow!). The third pic down of the longer continous flames, I had originally just beveled it smooth and was happy. Then I went around it with a different beveler (as sometimes I cannot leave well enough alone!!!!!!!!) that has finer patterns dots in it. But, I cannot use that tool (don't know the tool number off my head) and it come out looking good. Looked way to choppy no matter how I sued it (leaving edges everywhere), so I figured it was the perfect time to trying using the backgrounder to make a bolder ouline and possibly save it from disaster. It did I think!

    Tooled two more today, got some print jobs to do tomorrow, so I'll probably dye and finished them on monday. I need a different swivel knife I think! Those tight curves in those letters was killing me today.

  3. Oh yeah, I've got the lacing and stitching for leathercraft pdf on my desktop - with that page open right now even. Basically the same but some of the pictures are a little clearer and there's some better information on how to end some of them, like ending the double loop when you're not going all the way around. For some reason Tandy didn't find that important to tell people even though it was a requirement for their own kit piece.

    AIn't that right! I figured it out once, but rarely do anything leather it seems, much less lacing. I figured it out once, how to end double loop without going around on a holster once, but if I tried it now.... I'd probably get p*ssed and break something!

    Wallet/case looks great! Like seeing lacing done with slots rather than holes, so much cleaner looking.

  4. Ironhead - you should be dang proud of that! I think it looks sweet! Did you say that was your first attempt at tooling? If so, I can't wait to see your second attempt! You obviously are artistically inclined, so you're probably overly critical of your own work. Nice job!

    I like it. So is it the Eco Flo that's caused the brown to show through, or was that how it was when fresh?

    Thanks! Not my first time no, but technically everytime is my first time! I beleive that was the third time tooling anything, and hadn't picked up the swivel knife since until just a few days ago. I'd like to practice more but as with anything it cost money which is a bit spread out these days.

    For the Eco Flo, I had to hunt down and find them to see exactly what I used (hadn't touched them since). It was the all in one midnight black and chocolate cherry. Not sure if I used both or not, can't remember. So, I remember doing it to give a slight worn effect, so the visable brown was the chocolate cherry color. Surprisingly, the rain it's been exposed to hasn't completely ruined the dye (been soaked and over stuffed on many occasions). The dye looked better when I first did it but it's holding up better than I expected.

    At the time, I had no idea how to really use staines,antiques and resist and so forth. I've been researching that more now and kinda wish I knew the proper way then.

    Here are two more pics though, a closer look at the crow head and skull. The crow head I used a tool that was broken from a large wooden box that was given to me before hand full of leather stuff.



  5. I don't know.... I think El Diablo is south of the border for The Diablo!

    As Iron Maiden once said, Hell ain't a bad place, hell is from here to eternity!

    Looks good, my dad is wanting me to do a seat that would require wet molding for is super glide. Really don't know if I even want to attempt it.

  6. I debated on even putting this up, decided not, but what the hell.

    I made this Feb. 2011 for this bike as I needed something to carry tools in and other small items as needed. Im not one for saddle bags and such and pretty much can fit anything with a bungie cord on my sissy bar (even a rim and tire!!!!). But, when your only transportation has the harley name on it.... it's a good idea to at least have tools. Last thing I want to happen is be broken down in W. Virginia 6hrs away from home and be told I gots a purdy mouth!!!

    I have never really been one to take pictures of things I do, so there are none of this when it was fresh. It's seen alot of miles and weather and the finished I used was not ideal. At the time I only had a single shoulder and of the eco flow stuff.

    I wasn't going to tool it, but I wanted the practice. I figure if it came out terrible it was going to be dyed as dark as I could with what I had anyway. So I experimented with different things, and some broken tools to try and toy around with textures and such. Probably getting way outta my league.....

    So I removed it a little bit ago and wiped most of the dirt and oil from it and tried to get some decent pictures.





  7. Well that's some pretty beautiful cheating, if there is any.

    I enjoyed the look at your work.

    Cool man!

    Thanks, Im trying.

    For the cheating part, I have no problem using letter stamps. But I figure using them for the outline, then cutting them with the knife will help me get better at doing small curves or working in tight spots. Plus, it adds to the hand made concept. If no one ever knows it or not, I will.

    ....Fine looking Belts............Is there a reason for that spelling (GHOST)?

    Appreciated. Im sorry though, I don't quite understand the question. If you are aking if Ghost is an acronym, then no it's not. The club was founded in '71 and the name came from Ghostriders in the sky.

    Starting two more today, not sure how far into it I will get. I have a working idea in my head for one. I'll probably just cut the straps and set the holes today when time allows.

  8. Ok... first post containing something I've done.

    I finished these two today, a few more coming when I get to "hammering" them out. No two will be alike, though club belts, each will be unique from each other as after I do something once Im not motived to do it again (very short attention span!).... then things get real messy!

    I don't mean to put up a bunch of pics, but I hard time capturing them and doing so in direct sunlight turned out to not be the best choice viewing them on the computer. So, if an area looks pinkish, it is not.

    I decided to post some close ups to kinda show some detail as the design is really long, and on a full shot it didn't seem as present. Also, the grass shadowed certain spots which may appear to be dye mishaps.

    I have not tooled a design in about 13 months and not really done much tooling at all. Mostly mess with holsters and such.

    Even though I used the 1" stamps for the letters, I just stamped them enough for the outline then I cut them with my 3/8 swivel. That may be the wrong way to do it, but I prefer it rather than stamping everything as it feels like cheating and was a bit of challange for me. The designs though basic were free handed on one side, then i transfered that on tracing paper so the other side would look similar. I used fiebings black oil dye, and red solvent dye which was airbrushed. Fniished off with heating and rubbing in beeswax and neatsfoot oil.

    Will post the others as I complete them.

    Feel free to say they suck!








  9. I had this really long rant about the difference between a biker and one who builds bikes and some hot shot wanna be that in the end should have been well....pretty un-needed to even be spoken...I deleted it and just left that. ANY WAY!!!

    I have built so many bikes out of sportster frames it would make your head spin, that is not what i was talking about or saying and this is all just well....REDUNDANT! You 1 out of 100's of thousands may very well be a biker, call yourself that and be seen as that by other people...but as I am referring to I have been EVERYWHERE! And I have seen a lot of great rallies ruined by wanna be jerk's.....I have ridden through countless 1,000's of towns with places that call themselves biker bars and all they have on the juke box is Michael jackson and Brittany spears and no pool table and crappy food. COME ON! Are we seriously going to debate what is a stock sportster and what is a custom built mean machine from hell! I think we both know the difference, not sure why we are wasting time even typing!

    <here is a high five and a cold beer for ya!

    I know exactly what your saying, my comments weren't really in defense even if they may have read that way (more of meaning sportsters have their place). I live in my own little world!! The term biker is more of an insult in my opinion, as what is labeled biker by the average person is lame, fake and weak and it has lost it's meaning and their are only a few that actually "get it".

    I believe we are on the same page, no need to drag it out or prove or nothing. Plus this is just the internet!

    SORRY CYBERTHRASHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I promis Im going to contribute something soon!)

  10. Somehow, (in my lack of having an attention span) I have overlooked this thread.

    The work on the set is very nice! Looking forward to seeing it done.


    the seat for the pan is very inspiring, and must say that Im sucker for panheads. I've not ever seen anyone use a backgrounder to create a bold outline like that before (that I can recall anyhow), either way cool trick.

  11. WHATEVER.... .now if you go buy a normal pedal bike would you buy one that was to small for you? Would you buy a kids bike???? Would you buy a girls bike??? THE ANSWER SHOULD ALWAYS BE NO!

    OOOPPPsssss! I shoulda kept my mouth shut!!!

    In all honesty, I see more women on dynas than sporsters.

    To be 100% honost, I never wanted one. I got this one to cut up and chop. Plans changed due to circumstance and it is my only bike at the moment. Since then, my outlook has changed towards them and I have decided I won't be cutting this one up as I've grown fond of it as it sits for the most part. When things get a little better around here Ill be getting a big twin to cut, don't care anymore about what engine as long as it's a harley and not a twin cam.

    I've not owned a car in seven years, motorcycles only, so I let throttle do the talking :crazy:

  12. it's not problem man. Come around and get involved more often. I don't know where you're at in your work, but participation has made me a lot better at my stuff. Hopefully I'll be getting some bags out the door soon.

    Messing with it on and off for a couple of years. It has always depended what else I had to do. Now being unemployed I've been getting the "bug" so to speak since Im at home all day, but watching the baby kinda keeps you inside out of the shop and on the computer more than I care too! It's always a lose - lose situation! Got a bag I did abougt two years ago, I may put up.

  13. Yeah, that's a given. But, I don't think either one of us were equating Sportster's with Ironhead's!! I'm keeping my eye out for something around a '73 right now to rebuild with/for my daughter (because they're shorter and cheaper - nothing to do with "girls bike" mentality). Some of my closest friends ride some really cool ironhead chops.

    Now, can we re-bury this thread?? :rip_1:

    Actually, Im on an evo at the moment with buell heads, cams, etc and it flys. My buddies ironhead can't touch it. Got a shovel from a friend on hold promised to me, looking forward that aswell.

    I just kinda realized I've never posted on this site before, just browse here and there at times. Sure bury the thread, I just had the urge to comment.

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