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Posts posted by ironhead13

  1. I was a bit thrown off, I expected something totally different color wise! (don't mean that in a bad way or anything)

    What is this "clear matte gloss leather gloss"?

    Textile paint? Like the stuff at crafts stores, or plastisol?

    They do make a graphics ink for screen printing made specificly for leather, though never needed to use it or have it cross my mind for leather work. Makes me kinda wonder what the possible uses could be for leather work though.

  2. Just my opinion..... but would find it very negligent to rely on a holster, especially a leather holster, to minipulate the safety to

    However, one thing I've been interested in is the Spetsnaz holsters for Makarov models. But Im sure they are all plastic/kydex whatever. Probably the best idea for a holster as if removed downward, it not only goes safety off but racks one in the chamber. So you can carry a dead mans gun without it truely being a dead mans gun. But that has nothing to do with this post I suppose.

  3. Ah, it ain't no big deal.

    I throw out the girls bike alot to people that decide to talk to me about bikes out in public. I throw that in and it's funny to see how they react, you tell the hesitation in wanting to agree with me (I suppose either out of politness or fear lol). The sad part is, 9 outta 10 times they don't know jack about bikes. I did get asked about an hour ago by some random guy at the gas station if it was a 750...

    A buddy of mine has a 72 I think it's an flt, don't know to be honost. True rat bike, unlike the overnight rat jobs this bike is truely "road rusted". If you keep up with magizines (which I don't...I don't even know how to spell it LOL) you've probably seen it before as he used to (and may submit some still) write and do photography for several of them. Lives down the road from me, if anyone has ever deserved the term biker it is this guy. This bike has been all across the US several times. There is ALOT of miles of those cases (internals is all S&S) if seen the log book.


  4. Well, technically speaking... the motorcycle pic has lines.. !!

    Heck, I thought La Linea meant "the linea" which brought up the question, what the .... is a linea. Now I know. I feel intelygent.

    Not familiar with this cartoon, so to me the seat looks real good.

  5. Got a touch further. Trying so friggen hard to not wreck "lou's" face or at least wrecked no more than the others !!!

    No clue what so ever what Im gonna do backgrounding wise, though Im getting close to it.

    Soundtrack as continued to Danzig 1, 2 and 3. It sets the right mood for this... I miss the old line up so much!


    I threw my arm in for "scale". Now it just seems pointless that I did. :brainbleach:


  6. Ha, well thanks. Im actually surprising myself abit so far. Luckily, I did those belts before hand and cut all those letters I seem a bit more confident with the swivel. Im using tools I've never touched, learned I like the figure bevelers the most.... though from looking through some catalogues I'd like to have some of the matting tools for this.

    I should be getting back on it tonight, tooling should be done maybe Friday. Then it will have to sit for a while. Got more of those belts to design and do. Then I can do the bottom....figure out the final finish color (im thinking black, natural and antique... ) Then I'll have to wait till I can buy the lace and such.... though Im kinda considering to just saddle stitch.

  7. Yeah, I'm really starting to like those stretch marks, as long as it doesn't effect the structure of the piece.

    Every I pull the bike out to go get a template figured out I end up hopping on and riding instead B)

    Get started early. Take it out for several hours then make the template. That's my advice!

    When I did mine, if I remember correctly as it's been a year or so... I picked up some posterboard stuff and made the template from that. Made it real easy to design it to the bike. It should be real easy to come up with on to follow the hardtail on yours.

  8. Never thought about making one.... HMMMMM how do you say... gears b rollin yo

    Have at times thought about getting one... but always found other ways to acheive what I wanted.

    About two years ago, there was a guy at the smoke out (1 or 2nd year in Rockingham used to be 2-3 miles from my house here in salisbury) there was a guy doing Larry style tanks. However, he held the uncut tank in his lap and used two hammers and shaped the dish that way. Both sides were pretty "darn" (im sure ill get fussed at for saying dang....) perfect. I was pretty impressed with that.

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